Barbara Gail Montero

Rev. John A. O’Brien Professor of Philosophy

Barbara Gail Montero

302 Malloy Hall



BA University of California at Berkeley

PhD University of Chicago

Research Interest

Curriculum Vitae


Most of my research focuses on one or the other of two different notions of “body”: body as the physical or material basis of the mind, and body as the moving, breathing, flesh and blood instrument that we use when we run, walk, dance, and play. One side of this bifurcation comprises my work on physicalism, dualism and naturalism, topics which are woven into my book in-progress, Real World Metaphysics: Mind, Mater, Mathematics and Morals; the other side, comprises my work on proprioception, aesthetics and the role of consciousness in expert action, the latter of which is the central focus of my book, Thought in Action: Expertise and the Conscious Mind, and my co-authored interdisciplinary book, Continuous Improvement: Intertwining Mind and Body in Athletic Expertise.

Representative Publications

Toner, Montero, and Moran (2021), Continuous Improvement: Intertwining Mind and Body in Athletic Expertise, (Oxford University Press).

Montero (2021), A Very Short Introduction: Philosophy of Mind (Oxford University Press).

Montero, B. G. (2021), “What Experience Doesn’t Teach: Pain-Amnesia and a New Paradigm for the Study of Memory,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, 102-125. Published as a symposium with response papers by Sabrina Conix, Filipe de Brigard, and L.A. Paul, with an introduction by Claudia Passos. 

Montero, Toner, and Moran (2020), “Body Focus,” in Embodiment: A Multidisciplinary Primer, edited by Nancy Dess, Routledge.

Montero (2016), Thought in Action: Expertise and the Conscious Mind (Oxford University Press).