ISLA Fall Fellowship Seminar

Location: Hesburgh Library

Come with a project idea and a fellowship in mind. Leave with a first draft of your proposal narrative.

ISLA is very pleased to host a Fall Fellowship Seminar (August 9-11, 2023) for faculty in the College of Arts and Letters. ISLA will provide continental breakfast and lunch as well as coffee, tea, and snacks each day. Childcare subsidies are also available. The seminar will take place Wednesday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. in 231A in Hesburgh Library.

This three-day seminar will provide time, space, and guidance to help faculty make significant progress on fellowship applications with fall deadlines before the semester begins. The seminar will offer dedicated writing space and time, the opportunity to workshop drafts in progress with colleagues, as well as both group and one-on-one guidance from ISLA staff on preparing competitive fellowship applications. We will hear directly from colleagues who have been successful with fellowships. Space for this seminar is limited. Registration is open to all regular faculty in the College of Arts and Letters on a first-come, first-served basis. Register now at this link.
*If you are unsure about which fellowship(s) to apply for, mark "Not sure" for the relevant question on the linked Google form, and I will be in touch to help you find the right opportunity.

Originally published at