Grace Hibshman

Grove City College, B.S. Mathematics and Philosophy

Grace graduated with a bachelor's degree from Grove City College where she studied math, philosophy, and music. As a graduate student at Notre Dame, she enjoys thinking about moral psychology, virtue ethics, philosophy of religion, and feminist philosophy. Formative experiences for her include growing up in a classical school, converting to Eastern Orthodoxy, spending a summer in Albania, and spending three summers living in monasteries.




  • Hibshman, Grace (forthcoming). "A Triadic Model of How to Become like the Saints" in Exemplars, Imitation, and Spiritual Formation: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry, Edited by Eric Yang. Routledge.
  • Hibshman, Grace (forthcoming). "Self-Narratives" in Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies, edited by Allison, Scott ; Beggan, James & Goethals, George. Springer.

Research Interests

Moral Psychology
Virtue Ethics
Philosophy of Religion
