Emeritae and Emeriti

Karl Ameriks ameriks.2@nd.edu History of Modern Philosophy, Continental Philosophy
Fred Dallmayr dallmayr.1@nd.edu Political Theory
Michael DePaul depaul.1@nd.edu Ethics, Epistemology
Cornelius Delaney delaney.1@nd.edu Pragmatism, Political Philosophy and Legal Philosophy, History of Modern Philosophy
Thomas Flint tflint@nd.edu Philosophical Theology, Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics
Alfred Freddoso afreddos@nd.edu Metaphysics and Ethics in the Catholic Philosophical Tradition
Montey Halloway  holloway.1@nd.edu Ethics; Business Ethics
Lynn Joy ljoy@nd.edu Modern Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Science
Michael Loux loux.1@nd.edu Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics
Alasdair MacIntyre No email Moral Philosophy, Practical Rationality, Aristotle and Aquinas.
Vaughn McKim mckim.1@nd.edu Philosophy of Social Science, Philosophy of Technology, Philosophy of Mind
Alvin Plantinga plantinga.1@nd.edu Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion
Kristin Shrader-Frechette kshrader@nd.edu Philosophy of Science, Ethics, Quantitative Risk Assessment
David Solomon solomon.1@nd.edu

Ethical Theory, Medical Ethics

Leopold Stubenberg stubenberg.1@nd.edu Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology
Peter van Inwagen vaninwagen.1@nd.edu Metaphysics, Philosophical Theology
Stephen Watson swatson@nd.edu Contemporary Continental Thought, 19th Century Philosophy, Aesthetics